In the latest version of WhatsApp Beta, users have realized that WhatsApp should back to its old text-based status. This feature had disappeared with the arrival of WhatsApp Status, the function that introduced temporary stories very similar to those that have applications like Snapchat or Instagram Stories, and its removal aroused much controversy among users. In any case, we do not expect great news in the return of the Old Text-Based Status feature: the only thing that has done WhatsApp has been to re-introduce the option to customize the profile with a text message but has not added any new functionality to this tool. That means everything is still on the same site, and even the default profile message is still “Hey there! I am using WhatsApp”. The version of WhatsApp that brings back the Old Text-Based Status feature is the version “2.17.95”, and is currently only available for download on devices with Android operating system. It seems that the company still does not have a very clear name that it wants to assign to its Old Text-Based Status, and rumored that, in order to avoid confusion with the new status feature, this new function could happen to be called simply like “Info.” In this latest version, if we try to enter our profile we will see that underneath our name it is shown again in the form of text message. To modify it, all we have to do is click on our name and then click on the box “Info and telephone number.” Since this is a feature that is only available in the version of WhatsApp Beta, there is a possibility that not all users who install the latest update will see the profile statuses from the very beginning. It is a function that is still in evidence, so it is not guaranteed that still, this feature will work for everyone as it should. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.