In the recent video, Anonymous sent a message to Donald Trump in which Anonymous represents the people, the people who elected Donald trump to be America’s president and had said that they expect Donald Trump to make many positive changes and deliver everything that he promised. The message goes on to blame previous Presidents. Anonymous said they all had the opportunity to show empathy and genuine care for their fellow citizen and to be remembered and respected. However, Anonymous said most of have bowed down to the wealthy, the powerful, the corrupt, big corporations and the Elite above. Anonymous then asks Donald trump “Therefore, we wonder, What will you do during your term? You have spoken about many issues during your election campaign but we are here to tell you that there are more things to worry about than building a wall” Anonymous also requested Donald trump to encourage all countries to end the wars and stop killing innocent peoples in the video. “We wish for you to encourage all countries to end these wars, stop the killing of young children and innocent people. Enough is enough. This isn’t a game and there are no winners. May you protect the citizen’s water, food, and health, and make education affordable and ease the strain on the day to day living expenses and allow the people to protest what they feel you are not paying attention too.” The video ends with a message to make America great again and anonymous also said that Donald Trump had a chance to make his term memorable by choosing the right path. Now considering the past videos of Anonymous that were full of aggressions this new video seems like a humble request. You can watch out the full video here:

So, what you think about this? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

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